Saturday, May 28, 2011

Still more Zelda!*

Fair warning: I am a geek, and the below blog is evidence of that. If you know nothing about Zelda or video games, you might still find this enjoyable. However, you may find yourself utterly lost. Continue at your own risk.

Can I just tell you how much I love all of the Zelda video games? So much. They are quirky, full of puzzles, and each new realm is full of fun new characters and goodies. But the board we** beat last night in Zelda: Twilight Princess - the Temple of Time - skeeved me out a little bit, for a few reasons.

Don't get me wrong, it was still amazing. And we got the Rod of Dominion, which allows us to control statues. But for the first time, Ooccoo, our little "guide" who shows up at each main castle, had a little floating head with him (her?). What? We don't even know what Ooccoo is (a chicken-like sphinx?), let alone why a head with wings would be following him (her?). But it wouldn't be Zelda without riddles like this.

Secondly, and the main thing that got to me, was that it was full of spiders. Big ones, little ones, and at the end, a massive one with a laser beam eye. I hate spiders; loathe, despise, detest with the intensity of a thousand suns. They give me the heebie jeebies and confirm that I am more 'flight' than 'fight.' It was nice at the end, though - we got to smash the final one with big hammers. I made it through, but there was no way I was taking pictures of them. So here is a happy picture of my cat, who is staring at us not so happily because we kept yelling at him for trying to get the spiders on the TV.

Finally, "Princess" Agitha, whom we collected bugs for so she would give us the big wallet. Why is this little girl collecting bugs? And where are her parents? And why does she have soooo much money? And why couldn't she give it to us AFTER she gave us said wallet? And what is up with her bangs? We gave her probably 24 bugs, and for each one she had a little poem-of-sorts. She needs some friends that don't have 6 legs. But, still, endearing.

If Zelda didn't have things like this, I would be disappointed. We have only a little longer until we beat it entirely, and I am enjoying every moment.

*Yes, I am aware that Zelda: Twilight Princess came out over two years ago. Yes, we are still slowly playing it. Yes, we will have it finished in time to completely check it off of my 30 list.

**Me, Matt, and our friend Grant. We take turns playing, as it is technically one player.


  1. Karen, I guess I am a geek too because I can totally understand this post and even find myself wondering if I should try Zelda also. Sam and I have been working our way through Lego Indiana Jones (it has snakes but no spiders so far). It's fun but will take forever to complete. So, when do you turn 30?
    Marc H.

  2. I absolutely love ZELDA!!! Best game ever created!

  3. Marc - you two would love it. It's only one player, but if you got a strategy guide the other person cold be figuring things out. And I love Lego IJ! Oh...July 1.
